Super Law

Florida abortion law

This article is written by Gautam Badlani, a student at Chanakya National Law University, Patna. This article examines the provisions and judicial decisions relating to abortion in the state of Florida. This article also highlights the judicial position with respect to interplay between right to abortion and right to privacy by virtue of the state constitution of Florida. It further examines the judicial pronouncement of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and gives an overview of Roe and Casey that were recently overturned.

It has been published by Rachit Garg.


Abortion has been an issue of much scrutiny in the United States and has given rise to several debates. People are divided on the issue on the basis of their philosophies, life experiences, morals, beliefs and religious views. Conditions such as poverty, overpopulation and cost of living also affect the choice of people who seek an abortion. The existence of all such factors makes abortion a complicated issue. 

In the United States, every state has its own abortion laws and abortion is permitted at varying stages across the different states. The restrictions on abortions include requirement for parental consent, informing the husband, mandatory counselling and waiting period and limited public funding. 

Florida’s 15-week abortion law

Recently, Florida passed a law that prohibited abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Prior to this law, abortion was prohibited after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Section 390.0111, Florida Statute provides that once the gestational age of the fetus exceeds 15 weeks, the physician cannot perform an abortion. The law defines gestation as the development of the embryo from the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period. 

The law also provides certain exceptions to this 15-week limit. Firstly, if it is certified by two physicians in writing that abortion is necessary to save the life of the pregnant woman or to prevent any permanent and substantial bodily impairment to the pregnant woman, then the 15-week limit can be breached. Moreover, where another physician is not available for consultation, the recording of reasons in writing by a single physician would also suffice. Secondly, if two physicians certify in writing that in their reasonable medical judgment, the fetus suffers from a fatal fetus abnormality, then the pregnancy can be terminated even beyond the gestational period of 15 weeks. 

Besides reducing the permissible abortion period, the Act also provided for constituting the fetal and infant review committees which would analyze the data related to mortality and morbidity of fetal and infants. The committee would also be required to submit annual recommendations to the Department of Health. The director of every medical facility in which abortions are performed is required to submit a monthly report to the concerned agency. Physicians performing abortions outside the medical facilities are also required to submit such reports. 

Judicial challenges to the law

Florida’s new abortion law was challenged before a Florida Court. The single-judge bench blocked the law stating that it violated the privacy protection guaranteed by the state. An injunction was granted against the law as the court found that the law violated the constitution of Florida.

Subsequently, an appeal was filed by the state before the First District Court of Appeal. The injunction granted by the Circuit Court was rejected by the Court of Appeal. The case regarding the constitutionality of the law thereafter went to the Florida Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will decide the final fate of the law. Civil rights activists, supporters of reproductive groups as well as religious groups have challenged the law in courts. The new law may be challenged on grounds of legal freedoms, religious freedoms and violation of free speech of the clergy. 

Regulations relating to abortion

Consent of the woman

Section 390.01111 lays down the criterion which has to be fulfilled in order to consider the consent of the woman undergoing abortion to be voluntary. 

Firstly, the physician who is to perform the abortion procedure or the referring physician has to inform the woman, at least 24 hours before the procedure, of all the material risks that are associated with the decision of undergoing or not undergoing the abortion. The gestational age of the fetus at the time when the pregnancy is supposed to be terminated. 

Secondly, the physician has to inform the woman of the risks to her as well as the fetus if she decides to carry the pregnancy to term. 

State health programmes

Abortion is covered by the state health programme under the Affordable Care Act, 2010 only if the pregnancy results from incest, rape or abortion is necessitated by life endagerment. 

Counselling Agencies 

As per Fla. Stat. § 390.025(2), an agency providing counselling to any person regarding abortion has to firstly inform the person about the effects of abortion and also the alternatives to abortion. Moreover, where the person receiving the counsel is a minor, the agency must inform the parents of the minor. 

The Counselling Agencies are mandated to register with the Agency for Public Health Administration. This law has been challenged as being violative of the Due Process Clause and Equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 

The person seeking an abortion has to recieve state directed counselling 24 hours prior to the abortion procedure. The counselling is aimed at discouraging the person from terminating the pregnancy. Moreover, a pre-abortion ultrasound is also mandated by law. 

Privacy clause and the abortion laws

In Florida, the Supreme Court has often relied on the privacy clause of the state Constitution to uphold the right of women to get an abortion.  Article I of the Constitution of the State of Florida deals with the rights guaranteed to the people of Florida under the state constitution. Section 23 guarantees the right to privacy and provides that every person has a right to be protected from government intrusion into their private life. 

In re T.W.

In the case of In re T.W. (1989), a statute requiring that minors obtain parental consent before opting for an abortion was under consideration before the Florida Supreme Court. As an alternative, the statute provided that if the minor was able to convince the court that she was sufficiently mature to decide for herself, then the parental consent requirement could be waived. 


Decision by the Court

Landmark Judicial decisions

Roe v. Wade

In the case of Roe v. Wade (1973), a Texas abortion law that proscribed abortion unless it was required as a life-saving measure was challenged before the US Supreme Court. 


Decision of the Court

Casey v. Planned Parenthood 


Decision of the Court

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022)


Decision of the Court



The various states have various abortion laws as per their own legal systems, societal beliefs, and values. However, it is necessary to strike a balance between the values and goals. The goal of society is to protect individual autonomy and privacy while also securing the state’s interest in potential life. 

The constitution of Florida is unique as it confers a very broad privacy right on the people. Privacy considerations are bound to influence the abortion laws of Florida and would be reflected in the judicial scrutiny of the statutes. In determining the validity of the 15-week abortion ban in Florida, the Florida Supreme Court will also consider the precendential value of the judgment of In Re T.W.. With Roe and Casey overturned, the judgment of the state Supreme Court with respect to the constitutional standing of the abortion law will have multifarious consequences.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

What is the equal protection clause and due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment?

The Fourteenth Amendment confers the right to equality on the people of the United States and provides that they should not be discriminated against by the state without any rational basis. This is known as the equal protection clause. Recognizing that some degree of classification may be necessary, the Amendment provides that a certain level of classification will be permitted provided the State is able to justify the rational basis of the classification. 

The due process clause contained in the Fourteenth Amendment forbids the state from depriving any person of his life, liberty, or property without due process of law. The due process includes both substantive as well as procedural due process. 

The due process clause has been interpreted by the courts to be broad enough to protect those rights which are not expressly mentioned in the Constitution, such as the right to privacy and  right to marry. Several individual rights, such as the right to bear arms and practice one’s religion, are rooted in the due process clause. 

How many US states ban abortion?

Abortion is severely regulated and restricted in 14 US states. Some states, such as Albama and Arkansas do not even provide an exception to the abortion ban for rape victims and instances of incest. Georgia bans abortion after the sixth week of pregnancy. Almost all states regulate abortion and ban it after a certain stage of pregnancy. The variation among the state laws is by virtue of the time duration after which the pregnancy is restricted. 


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